
Eyes. by Allen Chan

One of the most important parts of the body that make an interesting photo are the eyes. From Clint Eastwood's ice cold stare to Tyra Banks' "smizing". For those who don't know, smizing is smiling with your eyes. Got it? It's also known as "the squinch" as coined by famous headshot photographer, Peter Hurley. He has studied all the best modern celebrities of this century and has learned that what makes their photos so interesting is because of the way they squint their eyes very slightly. You should look in the mirror right now and try it. Just raise your lower eyelid up just a tiny bit and BOOM! Instant Hollywood star!

Luckily for me, my wife is a natural at smizing.

This was one of my very first attempts at using a speedlight, softbox, and black background.

Man-smizing. This was from an actual job utilizing all three of my Nikon SB-900 speedlights and a white background.